Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The End of a Journey

I awoke on the last day of finals after an awful night's sleep at 6:30am. Couldn't figure why I was up and it was weird because I can usually fall right back asleep after waking up too early. Maybe I couldn't believe that this amazing semester abroad was finally ending. Maybe it was because it was the last day I would see all the friends that I have made here. Maybe it was because I had only two tests left and was feeling anxious. Or maybe it was the goddamn earthquake.

Had my last two finals, Advertising and Danish. Got an A in Danish! That means I'm fluent, right? Then immediately after the last tests were done the whole school gathered for Closing Ceremony. It was pretty disappointing; no food, no drinks and full of speeches that attempted to be funny but just failed. It was over much quicker than expected and the last words were given to us by the Director of DIS. "Ok, the semester is over. Have a nice life."


Started to say goodbyes to people I wouldn't see later that night and then came home. Before going out one last time with my friends I went to the Gorgoroth concert. I'll post about that later, but let's just say it was the most frightening experience of my life.

Went to my favorite bar in Copenhagen, The Moose, and saw everyone for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment, we were having fun just like we have been all semester but we knew this was the end.




Came home late and rode my bike for the last time. The next day I had a farewell tea with my roommates and said goodbye.


And just like that, it's over.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What's in a Name?

I've always been interested in my family history, and while I haven't looked too far up the tree I came across a little interesting fact while studying for my Nordic Mythology final.

The name Osborn comes from the old Norse Ásbjörn. The gods were called the æsir, with ás as the singular from. Even though this word is basically extinct, born still has the same meaning and spelling in the languages that evolved from old Norse. In Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian bjørn means bear. So literally my name means God Bear.

So the name was introduced to England and Anglicized into first Osbern and then to its current form. When people spell it wrong, ie Osborne or Osbourne, I know now that the way we spell it is closest to its original form and therefore, the best.

All this means that our descendants were very likely some of the Vikings who raided and eventually conquered England between 700 and 1000. Awesome.

With 5 days left Scandinavia, I find out that I am descended from the same line as the locals.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

From 60 to Zero

Winding down after a nonstop semester

I remember a few weeks after the semester started I looked at my calendar and realized that I didn't have a free weekend for 3 months. It was pretty daunting knowing that I had so many things planned/planned for me. Travels, adventure trips, and field studies seemed like they would continue for ever, and I was hoping they would. There was always something to do or see with my friends, or else DIS had something going on. This wasn't a bad thing at all though, I love keeping busy, especially when it's with something as fun as exploring Europe. The workload was pretty relaxed so on days I wasn't out of Copenhagen I would find something to do or see around the city. It was extremely exciting and I had really ever experienced anything quite like it.

Well, the mid-semester break ended and after mom left and I had an absurd amount of work to do. Projects, presentations, homework, tests, papers. To make up for the easy first half of the semester the school decided to pile everything together in the few weeks following the 3 week break. I had a period of 5 days that consisted of 2 presentations, 2 tests and a major paper. The semester system is a joke and I really hope I never have to experience it again. Anyway....I was still busy, but this was different. It wasn't fun busy, it was just busy busy. I felt like I had received huge shot of adrenaline that finally began to wear off in the closing weeks of November and coming down from the high was far from enjoyable.

Then, I returned to CPH from Switzerland to discover that I had nothing to do...and for the first time since August, I grew bored. All the major projects and papers were turned in and the homework load started to shrink. The days were getting shorter and shorter; current sunset is at 3:30, growing earlier each day. And after what was apparently incredible weather during September and October, the rain and clouds set in come November and decided to hang out indefinitely. I literally cannot remember the last time I've seen more than a patch of blue sky, let alone the sun.

I had my first final over a week ago, and still have a couple days until my next one. Homework is a thing of the past and all classes have been officially wrapped up. Since everyone has completely different schedules, my social life has pretty much disappeared except for the 2nd trip to the Jacobsen Brewery last Friday.

So as I sit here at one of the many cafes that has become my second home as of late, this semester is finally coming to an end. It's been an incredible couple of months and there's almost nothing I would change about it. I've had the best time of my life living in a different country and traveling to places I've always dreamed about. I've met people and made friends that I will never forget. As much as I have dreaded this, there is nothing I can do to stop this experience from coming to an end. All I can do is look forward, be thankful for the time I've had and get excited to head back to Seattle.